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The series of paintings began as a reflection about the life cycle. This cycle consists of lines, each of them is assigned the identity of an individual being, the human being is the product of all their ancestors, people are the result of a cycle, as well as the environment that surrounds us, growing and building constantly. Through various expressive languages​​, the series of paintings results in a path by nature, calling impressionism, touching the light in a movement of organic and free brush, which results in a painting without prejudice seeking to reach the beginning of all these lines.

"..., reflectiu sobre a conexão secreta entre o universal e o particular de que depende o surgimento da beleza humana, daí passou para o problema geral da forma e da arte, e concluiu por fim que os seus pensamentos e descobertas se assemelhavam a certas intuições aparentemente afortunadas dos sonhos, que se revelam insípidas e inúteis à razão sóbria."


Thomas Mann, "A Morte em Veneza", Relógio D'Água, 2004

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